Burrage Brothers Landscape Photography

Landscape photography by Australian photographers Shaun & Kelvin Burrage. Please visit our gallery at www.burragebrothers.com

To Shaun and Kelvin Burrage, landscape photography is more than just an enjoyable pastime, it's a complete obsession. They dream it, live it, breathe it every day. It's what gets them out of bed long before the sun has risen, to explore some of the most beautiful places imaginable, just at a chance of capturing that perfect sunrise. Their goal, to capture the perfect shot; the perfect composition, the perfect light, the perfect moment. The drive to achieve perfection brings them back to locations time and time again, tirelessly, until they've captured something truely special. Although they concede there's no such thing as perfection in art, they never tire of trying to achieve it.

The Burrage Brothers approach to landscape photography is truely unique. Every shot concieved, composed and captured as a team. Each Burrage Brothers masterpiece a mosaic of shared ideas and visions. As the old saying goes, "two heads are better than one", and the stunning images Burrage Brothers capture are testament to that.

Growing up by the Murray River in Northern Victoria, Australia, Shaun and Kelvin had a keen interest in the outdoors from a young age, regularly going on family fishing and camping adventures. Shaun's interest in the natural world led him to further expand his knowledge, achieving a Degree in Environmental Science. But finding the science lab uninspiring, he spent holidays hiking and fishing the remote wilderness of Tasmania.

Kelvin always struggled to find his true passion in life, and in pursuit of a career went from job to job. During this period he began working in a few outdoor-adventure equipment stores, constantly being tortured with exciting tales of travellers. It wasn't long before Kelvin himself packed his bags, to head abroad in search of inspiration and new experiences. Upon returning, and for the first time, Kelvin knew he'd found something that would hold his attention. Although not yet knowing where it would lead him, he began saving for his first serious camera.

Combining Shaun's love for hiking and the environment with Kelvin's new found passion of photography, the two brothers began travelling and exploring new horizons together, learning from each other as they went. Their passions grew and expanded, as did the desire to share their images and experiences with others, and thus Burrage Brothers Fine Art Landscape Photography was born.

They found the normal 35mm camera format just didn't do justice to the awe inspiring places they were visiting, and felt too much was being "left out" of the scene. The obvious answer was panoramic photography. Today, the Burrage Brothers use Fotoman panoramic film cameras. These cameras allow them to capture images with huge resolutions, up to 11 times that of most 35mm DSLR cameras, and enlarge prints to over two meters, with pin sharp resolution. World renowned Schneider optics, Fuji Velvia film and Fujiflex Crystal Archive polyester print material are used to ensure every print appears just as sharp and vibrant as the scene Burrage Brothers witnessed.

The Burrage Brothers vision for the future is to bring the beauty of nature to the homes and offices of people the world over, and to increase environmental awareness so the beautiful places they visit can be enjoyed and admired for generations to come.

We hope you enjoy your visit, and find peace and happiness in the beauty of Burrage Brothers Photography.
